A Visual Communication Designer with a body of work spanning Type Design, Branding, Publication Design to Motion, 3D and Interactive Design

Adobe Dimension thumbnail

36 Days of Type 2021 → 3D Typography

Adobe Dimension thumbnail

Cool Cellulose → Speculative Children's magazine

Adobe Dimension thumbnail

Adobe Dimension splash screen → 3D Visual Art

Joy 3D lettering thumbnail

Partners' Forum 2018 → Sustainable Event Branding

Joy 3D lettering thumbnail

Headway → Accessible Interactive Art

Joy 3D lettering thumbnail

SHOWstudio Moving Logo → 3D Typography and Motion

Joy 3D lettering thumbnail

Whale Fall → Immersive Virtual Reality

36 Days of Type 2023 → 3D Typography and Motion

Joy 3D lettering thumbnail

BRND NEW → 3D Web Illustration

Joy 3D lettering thumbnail

INSPIRIT → AR App Design (Edu-Tech)